• The 1st session includes several extra minutes of a client intake/ introduction which covers health history, questions, and client needs/ goals.

    Sessions last from 60-75 minutes, depending on the session and client needs.

    Each session of Rolfing begins with an assessment of the client’s individual structure. Sometimes, clients are asked to move in specific ways and specific areas may be palpated. Most of the work is then accomplished with the client lying on a massage table, sitting on a bench, or standing and moving in directed ways while I work with my hands to address specific areas of the body. The client’s sensations can vary greatly from pleasure to burning, but should not require bracing or tightening anywhere in order to be received.

  • The most important thing regarding what to wear during a session is that the client feels comfortable. Typical for Rolfing session options include workout gear like shorts and exercise bra for women, bathing suits, or what would be worn to a yoga class.

    What Men can wear: athletic apparel, swimsuit, briefs or boxer briefs

    What Women can wear: athletic or yoga apparel, two-piece swimsuit, full coverage briefs and bra

    Again, it is most important that the client is at ease in the session and not worried about the state of undress. In addition, I always have sheets and blankets for a top cover if you desire.

  • The cost for each session is $150.00 for 75 min.

    Payment is due at the time of the service unless prior arrangements are made.

    I currently accept cash, checks, or electronic payment.

    Cancellation Policy:
Please be considerate and give at least 24 hours notice for cancellation. I charge my full rate for missed appointments or less than 24 hours notice.