• Rolfing Structural Integration is a form of bodywork that focusses on the connective tissue called fascia. This connective tissue wraps and weaves through all of the muscles, bones, nerves and organs in the body. Through daily movement or lack there of, injury, surgery, or trauma compensation patterns develop in the tissues. By working this connective tissue we can release, realign, and balance the whole body which can reduce discomfort and alleviate pain. Rolfing also works towards increasing flexibility, range of motion, and an overall feeling better in your body. Not only does your physical health and appearance change but through the mind/body connection it is common for positive results to be seen in the psychological and emotional wellbeing as the history of tension is released.

  • The hallmark of Rolfing is the Ten Series, the goal of the Ten Series is to systematically balance and optimize both the structure (shape) and function (movement) of the entire body section by section surface to deep and back again while keeping in mind the whole system throughout each session. This type of work allows the body to reorganize in a more optimal way giving way to long last change that promotes a healthier and better functioning body. Each session builds upon the last and prepares the body for the next.

  • While Rolfing is often grouped with massage and other hands-on forms of bodywork, Rolfing works to address the structural integration of your body and not the symptoms of resulting from the body’s misalignment. The aim of Rolfing is to provide a more functional body for the long term beyond the temporary ease of symptom relief.

  • High performance athletes, business professionals, young, old, healthy, injured, anyone with a human body looking to improve the way they feel have benefited from Rolfing.

  • The average pace is to receive one session per week. The series can be sped up to twice per week or slowed down to once per month according to your needs.

  • In home visits. Studio sessions will be available Fall 2024, Southern Philadelphia